
Cellular response

Cellular response


  • Cells normally maintain a steady state called Homeostasis in which the intracellular milieu is kept within a fairly narrow range of physiologic parameters.
  • Cells exhibits Cellular response when they encounter physiologic stresses or pathologic stimuli to achieve a new steady state and preserving viability and function.
  • The cellular response to stress may vary and depends upon the following variables:
    1. The type of cell and tissue involved.
    2. Extent and type of cell injury.


Various forms of cellular responses to cell injury may be as follows :

  • When there is increased functional demand, the cell may adapt to the changes which are expressed morphologically and then revert back to normal after the stress is removed (Cellular adaptations).
  • When the stress is mild to moderate, the injured cell may recover (Reversible cell injury), while when the injury is persistent cell death may occur (Irreversible cell injury).
  • The residual effects of reversible cell injury may persist in the cell as evidence of cell injury at subcellular level (Subcellular changes), or metabolites may accumulate within the cell (Intracellular accumulations).
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