
Neonatal Respiratory Distress

Neonatal Respiratory Distress : Definition, Causes


Respiratory Distress said to be there if any two out of three are present

  1. Tachypnea (Respiration rate ≥ 60/min.
  2. Chest retractions
  3. Expiratory grunting


A. If onset within 6 hour of birth 

Mnemonic: HMT-CP

  • H: Hyaline membrane disease
  • M: Malformations of airway
  • T: Transient tachypnea of newborn
  • C: Congenital pneumonia
  • P: Pneumothorax

B. If onset beyond 6 hour of birth 

Mnemonic: MAD-SP

  • M: Malformations
  • A: Aspirations (MAS)
  • D: Ductus dependent & independent cardiac disease
  • S: Sepsis
  • P: Patent ductus arteriosus

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