
Grapes : Health benefits, Nutrition facts & information

Grapes : Health benefits, Nutrition facts & information

Scientific name : Vitis vinifera
Hindi name : Angoor
Find Out : Why should we eat grapes regularly ?

Health benefits

What health benefits are associated with eating grapes?
Grapes has amazingly huge health benefits. Let’s take a look at the possible health benefits of grapes
1. Aids digestion and helps in constipation & indigestion

  • Grapes are very effective in overcoming and eliminating constipation. They are classified as a laxative food, because they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose.
  • They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up intestinal muscles and the stomach.
  • Grapes are high in insoluble fiber, meaning that it remains intact as it moves through the digestive tract. It builds up bulk, which promotes the formation and excretion of healthy stool, so grapes can help make you much more regular.
  • Grape play an important role in dyspepsia. They relieve heat and cure indigestion and irritation in the stomach. They are also preferred over other digestive aids because they are considered a “light food”.

2. Cancer Prevention

  • Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may slow or prevent many types of cancer, including esophageal, lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrial, pancreatic, prostate and colon.1
  • The resveratrol found in red wine famous for heart health is a type of polyphenol found in the skins of red grape.

3. Alleviate allergies

  • Because of the anti-inflammatory effects of quercetin, consuming grapes may help to alleviate symptoms of allergies including runny nose, watery eyes and hives.

4. To treat asthma

  • Due to their well-known therapeutic value, grapes can be used as a cure for asthma.

5. Maintenance of bone health

  • Grapes are a wonderful source of micro-nutrients like copper, iron, and manganese, all of which are important in the formation and strength of the bones.

6. Treats acne & provides healthy glowing skin

  • A study published in the journal Dermatology and Therapy claims a compound derived from red grapes and found in red wine – resveratrol – could be an effective treatment for acne, particularly when combined with an already existing medication for the disorder.

7. Maintenance of high blood pressure & blood cholesterol

  • Grape contain a compound called pterostilbene, which has the capacity to lower a person’s cholesterol levels.

8. Supports Heart health

  • The flavonoid quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of 
atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in animal studies.
  • The high polyphenol content in grape may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
  • The fiber and potassium in grapes also support heart health.

9. Migraine cure 

  • Ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraines.

10. Managing diabetes

  • Recent research suggests that grape skin extract (GSE) exerts a novel inhibitory activity on hyperglycemia and may help in diabetes management.

11. Helps in Diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy
12. Dental Care

  • According to a recent study, red wine and grape seed extract can potentially help prevent cavities.

13. Fatigue prevention

  • Light and white grape juice supplements the iron content in the body and prevents fatigue.

14. Antibacterial activity

  • Red grape have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties that can protect you from infections.

15. Helps in Alzheimer’s disease 

  • Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grape, reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

16. Prevents Macular degeneration

  • Grape can prevent age-related loss of vision and macular degeneration.

17. Boosts Immune System

  • Grapes are not only packed with flavonoids and minerals, but vitamins as well! The high levels of vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A in grapes gives you a healthy boost to many of your organ systems, particularly your immune system, which means less chance of coming down with common colds, as well as more serious health issues.

18. Prevention of cataracts

  • Flavonoids present in grape have antioxidants, which can reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals.

Nutrition facts & information

Grape contain the following important nutrients:

  • Antioxidants like Vitamin C, flavonoids (e.g. Catechins), manganese, carotenes
  • Vitamin A & K
  • B-complex vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid)
  • Phyto-nutrients (phyto-chemicals) like Polyphenols, flavonoids, Carotene-a, Carotene-ß, Crypto-xanthin-ß, Lutein-zeaxanthin
  • Dietary fiber
  • Minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium manganese, and selenium.

“The ways to consume grapes are endless”

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