
Citalopram : Therapeutic uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), indicated for depression primarily.
Dose: 10-40 mg
Route: Oral
Plasma Half-life: 33 hours
Duration of action: several hours
Bioavailability: 80%
Chemical formula: C20H21FN2O
IUPAC name: (RS)-1-[3-(Dimethylamino)propyl]-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-5-carbonitrile
Trade name: Celica, Celexa, Cipramil, Akarin, C Pram S, Celapram, Ciazil, Cilate, Cilift, Cimal, Cipram, Cipraned, Cinapen, Ciprapine, Ciprotan, Szetalo, Zetalo, Citabax, Citaxi, Citalec, Citalex, Citalo, Zylotex, Citalopram, Citol, Citox, Citrol, Citta, Dalsan, Denyl, Elopram, Estar, Humorup, Humorap, Oropram, Opra, Pram, Pramcit, Recital, Sepram, Seropram, Talam, Temperax, Vodelax, Zentius
Therapeutic uses:
Citalopram has following usage :

  • Citalopram is primarily indicated as anti-depressant drug for treating depression (major/endogenous depression).
  • Effective in a number of psychiatric disorders including obsessive–compulsive disorder OCD, panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder(anxiolytic), social anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, compulsive buying and kleptomania.
  • Used for preventing vasovagal symptoms in post-menopausal women.
  • Used to improve outlook on life and to feel good.

Side effects:
Although the SSRIs are considered to have fewer and less severe adverse effects than the TCAs and MAOIs, the SSRIs are not without adverse effects; Citalopram may provoke following side effects:

  • Headache,
  • Sweating,
  • Anxiety,
  • Agitation,
  • Irritability,
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea),
  • Weakness, & fatigue,
  • Sexual dysfunction including loss of libido, delayed ejaculation, and anorgasmia
  • Changes in weight,
  • Effectively worsening prominent depressive symptoms,
  • Sleep disturbances (insomnia and somnolence),
  • Hyponatremia, especially in the elderly and patients who are volume depleted or taking diuretics
  • Overdose with citalopram may cause cardiac arrhythmias (QT prolongation), seizures, serotonin syndrome (may include the symptoms of hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, sweating, myoclonus (clonic muscle twitching), and changes in mental status and vital signs).


  • The SSRIs, unlike the TCAs, do not cause major cardiovascular side effects.
  • The SSRIs are generally free of antimuscarinic side effects (dry mouth, urinary retention, confusion), do not block histamine or α adrenergic receptors, and are not or less sedating.
  • All of the SSRIs have the potential to cause a discontinuation syndrome after their abrupt withdrawal, particularly the agents with shorter half-lives and inactive metabolites.


  • Citalopram to be avoided in patients likely to attempt suicide.

For detailed query or in case of uncertainty, Always consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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